
Wednesday, January 28, 2009

U频道送林宥嘉 [迷宫] 新加坡演唱会门票!

U频道送林宥嘉 [迷宫] 新加坡演唱会门票!

Closing date: 1st February 2009
Contest type: Online - Creative Writing
Prizes: 10x A pair of 林宥嘉 [迷宫] 新加坡演唱会2009入门票
Registration required: No

Want to catch 林宥嘉 live in Singapore? He just finished his concert in Hong Kong, pretty well done...

To win a pair of tickets to catch him live in Singapore, Tell channel U,
why viewers must remember to catch Channel U’s premiere of [Perfect Cut 2] on 04 Mar?
(Answer must not exceed 30 words)

My comments
Prize’s Value: $200
Time Spent: depends
Winning rate: Low

Link kindly sponsored by Low01

1 Winning Comments:

Annoymous said...

The answer is pretty simple right.
It's because we want to win the tickets, that is why we need to watch.